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Summer League

Summer League 2025

Malvern Summer League...Play With The BEST!

Just a few highlights regarding the 2025 Summer League...

  • The League will begin June 9th.
  • The League is open to Boys and Girls Divisions from 1st Grade through 12th Grade.
  • Roster limit of 12 players and a minimum of 10 players.
  • No Draft Players accepted or added to Rosters.
  • A grade school CYO division for boys and girls will be played at Malvern Prep and Williamson College For The Trades. (Air Condition venues).

Here is the vital information and details that will help as you organize your team for The Malvern Summer Basketball League season:

Before you complete the 2 registration forms and in order to hold a spot on the summer schedule, we ask that you email us the following information:

  1. Team Name (let us also know your general location)
  2. Coach and Assistant Coach's name & primary phone#s (if you are coaching more than 1 team, you must have an assistant to accomodate any schedule conflicts).
  3. The gender of the members of your team.
  4. The number of players (maximum 12/ minimum 10).
  5. Grade Level (as of Sept. 2025) in which you want to compete (let us know if you want to play up or down a grade level).
  6. Skill Level - A, B or C.
  7. List any reasonable scheduling requests that will help us in the process. Please be as flexible as possible. After recieving this info you will be placed on the Team Schedule List but you must send us a minimum of $500 deposit or the full registration fee of $1,295 by May 1st, along with a HARD COPY of your Coaches/Team Registration form. Player Registration forms can be sent electronically by May 31st.
  • The Coaches/Team Roster Registration paperwork (found on the website) and fees must be dropped off or mailed to Malvern Baseketball League, 627 N. Speakman Lane, West Chester, PA 19380 by May 1st. Checks should be made payable to "Malvern Basketball League". One check for the total team fee or the initial deposit is required. We will also accept Venmo payments (@malvernleague). The team fee this summer is $1,295 (up to 12 players). You will find the Coaches/Team Registration Form and the Player Application on your website, malvernleague.com
  • The league is open to Boys and Girls teams from 1st grade through 12th grade. Team rostsers are limited to 12 players and we recommend a minimum of 10.
  • As a reminder, when filling out the revised registration forms, please clearly indicate the team name, the skill level, the gender, and the coaches' cell #s and email addresses. Those items seem to be omitted most frequently when we are reviewing applications, so your cooperation is appreciated. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER THE GRADE LEVEL IS DETERMINED BY THE GRADE THE PLAYESR WILL ENTER IN SEPTEMBER 2025.
  • When determining the skill level of your team, if you have a very strong, competitive team, you may sign up in the next higher grade level.
  • Your team's game shirts will be dropped off at the gym of your first game. Schedules will be emailed the week of Memorial Day.
  • Games will begin June 9th and the league will end by July 24th. As usual, all games will be played Monday through Thursday evenings.
  • All teams will play a 10 game schedule. This year we will be taking our customary July 4th holiday break - no games will be played around the Holiday.
  • The head coach, assistants and team coordinatorsMUST sign up for our Email distribution list. This is our main means of communication before and during the season. The Email sign up can be found on the link in the middle of the home page (orange box) of our web site.
  • Regarding practice time for the summer season, coaches usually conduct practices at outdoor facilities, playgrounds and/or dirveways prior to the start of the summer session.

Projected Gym Sites this summer:

In Chester County

  • Malvern Prep (air-cond)
  • ACAC Fitness West Chester (air-cond)
  • West Chester Schools (East, Rustin, Fugett, Henderson (all air-conditioned)

In Delaware County/Main Line:

  • St. Aloysius Academy, Bryn Mawr (air-cond)
  • Delco Christian School Lower School (air-cond)
  • Marple Community Center (air-cond)
  • Liberti Church (air-cond)
  • Rosemont School Of The Holy Child (air-cond)
  • Williamson College For The Trades, Media (air-cond)
  • Sacred Heart Academy, Bryn Mawr (air-cond)

We are also looking for High School or College age students and adults who are interested in earning some extra money being a scorekeeper. Please email or call us if interested.

If you have any questions, please call 610-431-6397 or email us at malvernleague@aol.com

Thank you,

Kevin McCarry
Malvern Basketball League

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Temple Owls




Malvern League Hotline  610-431-6397

Malvern Basketball Leagues

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